Loyal employees tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear.

Loyal employees tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear.

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It does not matter in what industry you work whether in real estate, office, retail, etc… I have spent my time in different career fields:  private and government positions.  In each and all of these positions, I am hired to perform and I do with great respect to the business, to myself, to the position, to the owners (managers), and to the consumer or recipients of my position.  Along the way, I have met those who provide the employees with the resources to succeed and those who set you up to fail.

I will never understand the reasoning for this, but I have decided to be true to myself and pursue excellence by providing excellence.  I will encourage all those who work with me, around me, and with me to give their best as I give my best to provide a work environment conducive to happy and hard working employees.

This article applies to all in leadership roles.  I found we tend to forget to distinguish the difference between a BOSS and a LEADER.  Who are you…I will be a leader!

I read an article regarding an employee was fired because he kept telling his boss what his boss did not want to hear…THE TRUTH.

Loyal employees tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear.

The employee was a loyal employee who:

  1. Cared about the success of the team, the boss, and his own
  2. Told the boss what he needed to hear
  3. Never disagreed with the boss in public and supported publicly
  4. Worked hard and dependable

The author mentions that critical knowledge of systems and processes was not replaceable.

To understand the following, is to be a leader:

  1. Loyal criticism is a YOUR CONTENT HEREtrue blessing
  2. Loyalty is built on honesty and trust
  3. Loyal employees are precious gems, not stepping stones

“Never push loyal people to the point where they do not give a damn!”

If you are not ready to be loyal to your loyal employees, you are not ready to lead them.

-Oleg Vishnepolsky



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